
The short version:

Andrew was born in Annapolis, Maryland and was mostly raised in Severna Park. He attended Salisbury University, majoring in Information Systems with an Art minor. Salisbury is where he was introduced to the medium of furnace worked hot glass. After college he spent three years in Portland, Oregon doing a combination of Information Technology, System Analysis, and marketing work at Purdy paintbrush factory while keeping glass as a hobby. He then moved back across the country to Woods Hole, Massachusetts in 2009.  On the Cape, Andrew decided to pursue glass full-time and began lamp-working glass in addition to furnace work he was doing in Sandwich at the Glass Studio of Cape Cod. The time spent on the Cape doing art encouraged Andrew to focus on objects that capture the spirit of the sea, which continues to be the dominant influence in his pieces.

Currently Andrew lives in Western, MA and works at the Center for Responsive Schools as a Business and Systems Analyst. Salesforce Administration and development have been his primary focus the last few years.

He still melts glass and makes it back to the Cape for a few shows throughout the year.

For any further information or questions feel free to send an email.